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RFQuack's functionalities are built as pluggable modules, developed on top of a generic API.

When you fire up the Python shell, you can interact with the connected dongle through the q object; try auto-completion (tab is your friend) and discover each loaded module.

Each module has a built-in, super handy, helper function:

RFQuack(/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200,8,N,1)>  

Helper for 'frequency_scanner' module:
> q.frequency_scanner.freq_step
Accepts: rfquack_FloatValue
Frequency step in Mhz (default: 1)

> q.frequency_scanner.start()
Accepts: rfquack_VoidValue
Starts frequency scan


For sure, you already understood how it works: q.frequency_scanner.freq_step is a float property; you are free to get it.

RFQuack(/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200,8,N,1)> q.frequency_scanner.freq_step
value = 1.0

or set it:

RFQuack(/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200,8,N,1)> q.frequency_scanner.freq_step = 5.0
result = 0
message =

While q.frequency_scanner.start() is a function(void) :

RFQuack(/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200,8,N,1)> q.frequency_scanner.start()
result = 0
message = Nothing detected

That's all!

If unsure which parameters a function/property can take please check the src/rfquack.proto protocol definition. Since we're using reflection, IPython can't offer completion here (if you know a way to have completion on dynamic attributes, please let us know!).

In the following, we explore the main functionalities of each - built in - module through some examples.

List Available Modules

There are few other built-in modules, and you can check their documentation by typing in the CLI.